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Author Pets with Leo X. Robertson

This week's author pet is Leo X. Robertson's feline friend, Renesmee Robertson Rojas.

Leo is an author and filmmaker from Scotland, now residing in Norway. His latest title is The Unfortunates.

In this collection of stories a sadistic blogger gleefully documents the murders of Hollywood celebrities. A journalist infiltrates a sex club for the physically impaired, finding he has more in common with them than he first assumed. A soon-to-be-dad gets seduced by a water spirit, which questions everything he thought he could impart as a father. And a primary school teacher meets his most difficult class yet: a horde of undead children.

In these stories, ordinary people must confront their biggest flaws and deepest fears in worlds eerily similar to our own. Because the worst horrors are the real ones we create for ourselves.

Find him on Goodreads, follow him on Twitter @Leoxwrite, or visit his website.

If you'd like your pet(s) featured in a future Author Pet post, email Eddie Generous at with a pic, links, and the name of the pet(s).


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