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STILL LIFE by Michael Wegener
She’s standing in her family home, in the door to one of her childhood rooms, the room she was in when she killed her father. It used to...

ON COMPANY TIME by Cheyanne Brabo
When two of my overnight employees came barreling onto the work floor with worried expressions on their incompetent faces, I knew my...

“Do you think your fear is rational?” the psych asks. I imagine her sitting, legs crossed, in a swivel chair, with a pen poised over her...

SIX FEET DOWN by Glynn Owen Barrass
Not much of a distance in theory, but the deepness wasn’t a straight hole. A stack of earth had to be contended with to reach their...

BLOAT by Eddie Generous
Some of them were old. Some of them were young. Some of them were tall. Some of them had to wear platforms with aggressive six-inch...

COLD ROAD HOME by Eddie Generous
Madison tried to get small against the hard vinyl of the door, wishing she hadn’t accepted this particular ride—folks stopped with enough...
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